Make your own personalized coasters using Scrabble tiles! You design them, so they can say anything you want them to! Pick a theme and make a set or make each coaster completely different from the rest.
What You'll Need
- Scrabble tiles
- Glue gun
- Squares of wood or cork (about an inch thick, approximately 4" x 4")
Your Coaster's Size
Decide what you want your coasters to say. Generally, 25 tiles make the perfect size, so that's five tiles by five tiles. If you are using an old coaster as your base, that will of course dictate how many tiles you can fit, so plan accordingly. That's why the coaster shown in the picture above has five tiles by four tiles.
Your Coaster's Message
Choose any words you like. They can be completely random or along a theme like coffee, summer, or your garden. If your family has the right number of members with names of an appropriate length, that can be a great theme, too!
Ready the Glue Gun
Heat up your glue gun. Place the letters on the base exactly as you want them to appear. When your glue gun is hot, you can begin gluing!
Glue the Tiles
Glue with just a dab of glue on the back of each letter. Use a dot of glue between the letters as well so that they hold to both the base and each other. Press each letter against the base and hold for 10 seconds to be sure it sticks. Repeat with each tile until finished!
Pour yourself a favorite drink and enjoy your new coasters!
- Look for Scrabble sets at thrift shops and garage sales.
- Look for wood or cork board at hardware stores or craft stores. If they don't have the right size, ask if they will cut it down there for you.
- Or use coasters you already have but no longer like and glue the tiles directly to those. You can often find coasters for cheap at secondhand shops.
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